Kamis, 22 Maret 2012


                                       TUGAS B.INGGRIS

1. AKTIF : Asian development bank has provided technicial funding about us $500000 to the  government of indonesia to support infrastructure development program
   PASIF : The goverment of indonesia has given technicial funding about us $500000 by asian development to support infrastructure development program
2. AKTIF : Bussinessman wrote the bussinessplan
    PASIF : The bussinesplan does writen by the bussinessman
3. AKTIF : Niaga Bank corporation has launced a debit card with a picture of spongebob   squarpants
    PASIF : A credit card with a picture of spongebob squar    pants has been launced by Niaga Bank corporation
4. AKTIF : The government has mad a stimulus program in order to maountain the domestic economy
   PASIF : The stimulus program has made by the government in order maountain the domestic economy
5. AKTIF : Availability of subtitutes is one factor which effect the elasticity of demand
    PASIF : The elasticity of demand is affected by availability of subtitutes
6. AKTIF : The seller bought 1 ton of flour in the market
    PASIF : 1 ton of flour was bought by the seller in the market
7. AKTIF : BPS reorded the growth of manufacturing industry production has increase in 2011
    PASIF : The growth of manufacturing industry production has increase in 2011 was reorded by  BPS
8. AKTIF : The hitch make a company has a big monopoly power
    PASIF : A company has a big monopoly power is made by the hitch
9. AKTIF : Inflasi 2011 caused the increase of basic comodities
    PASIF : The increase 2011 of basic comodities was caused by inflation in 2011
10.AKTIF : The dry season this year causing the price of food increase
    PASIF : The price of food increase is being caused by the dry season this year


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